Welcome to NYUBytes, home of articles and multimedia features produced by NYU Prof. Rachael Migler's undergraduate Journalistic Inquiry class.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Conservative Catholicism to Eco-Friendly Fashion

By Cory Carroll

Ideals and Prada for Conservative Catholics

Profile: Mary Ann Glendon; she is the United States ambassador to the Vatican. In addition to her diplomatic post, Glendon is a professor of law at Harvard and recipient of the 2005 National Humanities Medal. Glendon would be an interesting profile because it could be an introduction to her and her work to her fellow Americans.

News Item with Visuals: April 19th—Blessing of Youth with Disabilities at St. Joseph Seminary in New York.

Enterprise: Liberal Catholic groups are continously advocating against the Conservative ideals of the Pope. Groups like Dignity/USA are trying to bring equality between the LGBT Catholic community and the Catholic church. Are the Pope's Conservative ideals enough to turn gay Catholics from the church?

Eco-Friendly Fashion

Profile: Routa Segal; a creative arts therapist at Creative Pier who co-founded “Muse on Earth”—an Earth Day event that provides various arts events for individuals to find the inner meaning of the day and make it part of their everyday lives.

News Items with Visuals: “Queens is Green Fashion Show” in Astoria on April 22nd. A competitive fashion show featuring local designers. The clothing and accessories are created from recycled and reusable products.

Enterprise: "Fashion uses more water than any industry other than agriculture," according to Earthpledge.org. As the fashion industry is one of the most un-eco-friendly industries in the world, what measures are designers taking or going to have to begin to take in order to save Earth's resources? Groups like FutureFashion are beginning to take a stand on trying to make the fashion world more eco-friendly.

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