Welcome to NYUBytes, home of articles and multimedia features produced by NYU Prof. Rachael Migler's undergraduate Journalistic Inquiry class.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Holy See and Must-See Earth Day Events

Piper Wallingford

Diggin' up the Dirt on Earth Day:

1. Profile: Bjorn Lomborg. Lomborg is a former environmentalist and member of Greenpeace, but is now "skeptical" of the environmental movement. He disagrees with scientists about the real state of the world, which is “getting better.” He recently released a book about global warming, “Cool It,” in which he says global warming is anthropogenic, but will not harm the planet. Scientists have accused him of manipulating and disregarding data.

2. News Item with Visuals: “Muse on Earth” Art Party at Creative Pier. Attendees create their own works of art that symbolize he Earth and help give back, such as birdhouses. The event promotes artistic creation for artists and non-artists. The informal atmosphere is great for children, and the art will provide great visuals.

3. Enterprise story: PETA Celebrates Earth Day. According to PETA, you should celebrate Earth day every Day. “You aren’t an environmentalist until you start eating green.” Outrageous acts in the past promote vegetarianism, such as in London where naked pregnant women sat in a cage for mother’s day. But PETA employees kill more than 97% of the animals in their care. Ironically, dead animals are stored in a giant walk-in freezer, a meat locker.

The See in the City

1. Profile: Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago. He is the current President of the US Bishops Conference and greeted the Pope at Andrews Air Force Base. He has a similar history of conservatism, such as when he denied Eucharist to protesters wearing rainbow-colored flags. The Pope has talked about George’s comments on the sexual abuse scandal, which George said was "very badly handled."

2. News Item with Visuals: Pope Gives Mass at the Yankee Stadium. This will be the last mass in the stadium before the Yankees move. More than 550 priests will be present to distribute communion. The event also celebrates the bi-centennial of the creation of the four U.S. archdioceses.

3. Enterprise story: Pope at Ground Zero to call for terrorists to convert to Christianity. When the Pope repeated words of 14th century Byzantine emperor, it created an alienation between the Christian and Muslim communities. During the Pope's visit to Ground Zero, he will ask for terrorists to convert to Christianity. This could heighten outrage in Muslim communities.

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