Voters Reveal Their Reasoning
By Lisa Bonarrigo
On Tuesday, Feb. 5, polls for the 2008 presidential primary elections opened in more than 20 states across the nation. In New York City, early morning voters at the Carlyle Court polling station, inside an NYU dorm, said they felt torn between the Democratic candidates but revealed clear reasons behind their choices.
Some voted strategically, thinking ahead to November. “It was a tough decision between Hillary and Barack,” said Deevana Kumar, 33. “I think Barack has the cross-over characteristics that the Democrats need to beat the Republicans. I like Hillary, but she’s too polarizing.”
Barry Karpel, 45, had his eye on the national election, as well. “I made my decision based on who could beat the Republicans,” he said.
Others, however, chose based on the candidates’ voting records. Craig Warnky, 36, made the decision to vote in his first primary this year. He chose his candidate by reading the newspaper and researching online. His reasoning was clear. “This election is critical. It’s absolutely critical to our generation,” Warnky said.
Debbie Gilbert, 50, made her decision based on the candidates’ records but noted the historic nature of the choice: “I was excited this morning. I’ve been waiting my whole life to vote for a woman,” she said. “I’ve also been waiting my whole life to vote for an African American. So it was ironic that I had to choose between the two.”
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